Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Indian Architecture

Today in class we learned about Indian architecture. I noticed that almost all of the buildings we looked at had the same characteristics, they were made of stone. The first type of building we looked at were cave buildings. They went into caves and painstakingly carved out rooms and decorations such as statues into the walls. Though this was a creative idea, I would not like to live in that kind of environment. I wouldn't enjoy living in a dark place for long periods of time and I feel like it would be cold most of the time because stone is cold. But, I believe this is a good form of protection from weather. An example of this would be rain. If you are in a cave and there is a thunder storm outside, you wont get wet because you have a big thick stone roof to keep you dry. Worst case scenario the water will get onto the floor of your cave dwelling.

Below we can see some decorations for Indian cave architecture:

Another form or Indian architecture was their magnificent buildings carved out of rock. These were some of my favorite kind. It just amazed me that they chiseled and carved a humongous rock into a building with detail and meaning. It also is more nature friendly because you do not cut down trees or clear land or these. The only issue is that they are more labor inducing because it is more  work to carefully care something amazing out of nothing than it is to easily stack or erect buildings.

Below we can see an example of this rock architecture. I just want to remind you that this used to be a huge rock of some sort and this building was created out of just a plain rock.

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