Monday, January 28, 2013

Final Project Info

Today in class my group finally finished our floor plan. I was glad because of how off topic we can get so props to you groupies. Anyways, our final design for our school consists of nine hexagons I think. Four of the hexagons will be stacked and have classes for all grades. So every floor will be one grade with all the necessary classes. We also have a large library with a green roof and also one of the classroom buildings has a green roof too. There will of course be access to the green roofs for the students as they will be interested and would want to check it out. Something interesting we did with our school is we have teacher offices on a third floor height. It is one story above the first floor. I say it like that because there really isn't a second floor room area. It’s just the roof of the first floor with the stair and elevator shaft coming out of it.

Some people may say that a school with a green roof is weird or unnecessary. Our group decided to have a roof or roofs, because of the many benefits of green roofs. One major benefit is that they last twice as long as traditional roofs. Also the green roofs stay cooler than a normal roof and insulate the building better and minimizes heat gain. Green roofs also produce oxygen so the air is more fresh and clean, you won’t have the smell of the ocean as much in the green roof areas. Green roofs can also aspire a school/community building area as the students and teachers can make gardens and care for them. Also if we do this the students will have more care for the green roof and thus they won’t get trashed and littered. For all these reasons that is why we think a green roof is a better idea than just a traditional float of slightly slanted roof.

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